A broad network in Geneva and recognized institutional support.
Main partners

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) has been supporting the Eduki Foundation since 2014. This support enables Eduki to develop its offer throughout Switzerland in German and Italian. The competition on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is supported by the Swiss Development Agency as well as by the Swiss Commission for UNESCO.

Since its beginning, the Eduki Foundation has worked closely with the Geneva Department of Public Education, Training and Youth - DIP. We would like to thank the State Councillor, the General Secretariat, the Directorate-General for Secondary Education I and II levels, the school administrations, directors and the teachers for their support and interest in Eduki's activities. The competition on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is carried out with the support of the Head of Sustainable Development at the Geneva Department of Public Education and the focal points for Education for sustainable development.

The Fondation pour Genève helped to set up an education program in 2006 and since 2012 it has provided Eduki with a working infrastructure and financial support for the development of its activities. We thank the President, the Secretary General and her team, as well as all the donors "Friends of the Fondation pour Genève " without whom this support would not be possible.
Partners of our activities

Eduki's many activities at the Palais des Nations in Geneva are carried out with the invaluable support of the Director-General and the Information Service of the United Nations Office in Geneva.

The Perception Change Project (PCP) was launched in early 2014 by Michael Møller, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva. The project aims to highlight the impact of the work carried out by the UN, international and non-governmental organizations and other Geneva-based institutions. The PCP is collaborating with Eduki on the #KidsWannaKnow project as well as the Young Reporters at the UN project, where they are in charge of finding speakers and experts.

Greycells - Association of Former International Civil Servants for Development - brings together members who have worked in some 15 major international organizations. Its members have extensive experience in international cooperation issues and related themes. Greycells collaborates on numerous projects such as #KidsWannaKnow, the Eduki competition on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and by proofreading and translating some of Eduki’s information material. Our sincere thanks go to all the members who support us with their time and expertise.

The primary mission of the Swiss Commission for UNESCO is to disseminate UNESCO's message throughout Switzerland. It is committed to promoting interdisciplinary, intercultural and international Education and to promoting and spreading the ideals of UNESCO. It supports the Eduki competition and contributes to its dissemination to institutions throughout Switzerland, particularly to UNESCO Associated schools.
A network of experts to inform young people
The international institutions in Switzerland, and more specifically in Geneva, cover many fields and the decisions taken here have a direct impact on our daily lives. The Eduki Foundation relies on the expertise of these specialists to organize meetings between young people and international institutions: debates, conferences, interviews, press briefings, etc.
The Eduki Foundation is at the disposal of International Organizations, NGOs and diplomatic missions, to invite young people to participate in events or activities and to let them know about their work.
In 2019, the Eduki Foundation collaborated with experts from more than 45 organizations. A huge thank you goes out to them for their availability and the quality of the exchanges with young people and teachers.
The Eduki SDG workshop activity is now listed in the éducation21 database.
Additional thanks
The Eduki Foundation wishes to thank the Loterie Romande for its support in the realization of this website and the Gelbert Foundation for its support of our competition on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since 2015.
The activities of the Eduki Foundation were also able to be developed thanks to donations from the Fondation Gandur pour la Jeunesse and a private foundation.
Finally, we sincerely thank Mandat International, the originator of the Eduki Foundation, the Institut Florimont with whom we collaborate regularly and Infomaniak for hosting the website.